Sparekassen Danmark

Sparekassen Danmark incorporates sustainability and common sense in its choices and actions.

The working relationship with EnergiData supports strategic decisions in relation to energy optimisation. Sparekassen Danmark was established in 2021, when Jutlander Bank and Sparekassen Vendsyssel chose to merge.

Sparekassen Danmark’s own carbon footprint primarily consists of energy consumption in its buildings and vehicles, so the building society is working with a strategy and action plan to reduce carbon emissions in these areas in the run-up to 2025. When renovating existing buildings and establishing new branch offices, Sparekassen Danmark likewise demands the incorporation of energy-saving, environmentally appropriate solutions.

Sparekassen Danmark uses MinEnergi2 to analyse energy consumption in its building stock on an ongoing basis, with a view to continuing its work with energy initiatives and energy-saving solutions. For example, in 2021 Sparekassen Danmark had 22 charger points for electric vehicles. In 2022 they initiated establishment of a further ten charger points, raising the total number to 32.

“We expect all Sparekassen departments to become a part of MinEnergi2 in 2023 such that energy consumption in all our branches can be included in the working relationship.”

Lars Dam Ibsen 
Department head

The challenge

The goal for 2023 is to introduce analyses of the domicile properties. Sparekassen Danmark has a stated aim of cutting carbon emissions from buildings, reducing air travel and optimising driving. Achieving this aim demands active input involving aspects such as energy monitoring.

The solution

Sparekassen Danmark has an agreement with EnergiData for monitoring energy consumption in the majority of the building society’s branches, with the emphasis on electricity, heating and water. MinEnergi2 makes it possible to view measurements, prices, consumption and more besides.

Statement of consumption data using the EnergiData solution: Sparekassen Danmark uses EnergiData’s climate report function to calculate carbon emissions from the building society’s own consumption of electricity, heating and water for a calendar year. The EnergiData climate report accords with the GHG protocol and consumption is automatically divided across scopes 1, 2 and 3.

Effective alarm system: Eliminating running toilets and shutting down ventilation units during the weekend are key items on the agenda. If a constantly running toilet is identified in a particular building, an alert is sent directly to the person responsible for the building. Similarly, this person receives a notification if a ventilation unit, for example, is operating for no apparent reason.

Good cooling is crucial: Another area of focus is to ensure that heating units in the various departments feature appropriate cooling of the district heating water. The optimal situation is to cool the temperature of the district heating water by 30 degrees. MinEnergi2 features a module developed specifically for the purpose of tracking cooling, so that the building society not only avoids penalties from the supply company, but also ensures that optimal use is made of the heating.

Results and benefits

The merger between Jutlander Bank and Sparekassen Vendsyssel has meant that numerous buildings with a variety of technical installations had to be brought together in a single Facility Management department.

A consolidated overview: By connecting all Sparekassen Danmark’s buildings to MinEnergi2, the building society has established a common base for optimising operation, and the buildings can be compared across different types of consumption.

Focus on ventilation units has paid dividends: By installing secondary meters near ventilation units, it has proved possible to use the standby analysis in MinEnergi2 to check whether the costly units are switched on when there is no need for them to be running. In this context, access to data has proved crucial in taking targeted action to eliminate energy wastage.

KPI analysis reveals “heating sinners”: If a given department stands out with an unusually high KPI on heating, installing a Danfoss ECL 310 unit for heating management and data collection for MinEnergi2 has shown itself to be an effective measure. In addition, it is beneficial in triggering the summer shut-down of the heating unit.

Customer profile


EMS solution
MinEnergi2, Climate Report, Full Service Subscription

Customer since

Property usage
Office buildings and administration

Number of buildings
Building stock: 60 buildings

Number of meters
267 remotely read
15 manual

Forms of energy
District heating, electricity (ventilation), water

Electric charger points
32 in Vrå, Aars and Hobro

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