The MinEnergi2 EMS platform
Energy Management Software for the Retail & Wholesale Sector
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Full control of your energy consumption and a complete solution for climate reports
The retail and wholesale sector is distinguished by multiple outlets, all sorts of buildings used as warehouses, shops, refrigerated stores and offices, transport for the distribution of goods – and high energy consumption. Moreover, the numerous buildings may be located in different cities and countries, which often means wide variation in heat sources and energy consumption.
This sounds like quite a challenge. But is it?
A warehouse filled with electronics and a supermarket stocked with refrigerated goods are both situations that demand a great deal of energy. However, by making your buildings and vehicles more energy-efficient, you can reduce your energy consumption and cut costs.
Likewise, introducing digital remote monitoring in your shops and other properties enables you to track developments in your energy consumption, receive alerts in the event of leaks or refrigeration faults, for instance, and improve energy efficiency in all areas of your business. At the same time, you will have access to carbon data and documentation for preparing your green accounts and fulfilling your CSRD obligations.
The result? Savings on energy, with the added benefits of lower costs and reduced carbon emissions. These are parameters which, at the end of the day, score highly with your customers and consumers.

MinEnergi2 – EMS platform
A single solution for all your energy data
MinEnergi2 is a complete solution for registering all your energy data, irrespective of source of energy, and encompassing a total of six areas of consumption.
We register consumption data by applying remote reading to all your meters and through integrations with other systems – fleet management solutions, Facility Management software, BM and waste management systems and the like – enabling you to collate all your data onto a single platform.
MinEnergi2 – climate report
Climate report in a single click
Are you subject to ESG reporting requirements, or the new EU directive on CSRD reporting? If so, our climate report tool is – to put it mildly – a huge benefit for you.
Automated climate report
When you invest in MinEnergi2, you simultaneously gain access to a complete, automated climate report function. Energy and consumption data are entered automatically and displayed in hard cash, kWh/m3 and units of CO2. The data are also divided across scopes 1, 2 and 3 as stipulated in the GHG protocol.
A single click is all it takes to generate the relevant documents – which is arguably the easiest way to prepare a complete climate report.

Digital energy management with MinEnergi2
Make energy a single, coherent work area
The MinEnergi2 platform is designed to automate the administration of major property portfolios, vehicle fleets and production lines. The value of switching from manual processes to dealing with energy as a fully automated and coherent work area is simply enormous. The benefits include quick and simple work processes with full control and overview of consumption and production, backed by efficient reporting tools.
MinEnergi2 – operation & service
Get off to a good start. We’re with you every step of the way.
We take care of the entire project, from start to finish. Our fitters establish remote reading of your meters, and we set up your entire portfolio in the system. You can “go live” in multiple phases, and once the project has been implemented, you receive a complete, Turnkey solution with solid training in its use.
Once your new EMS is up and running, we can provide backing with a service level adapted to the needs of your operating team. Our team of energy experts offers assistance whenever you need a little extra expertise, advice or ongoing support.

What are Retail & Wholesale customers saying about EnergiData?
We use our energy management tool in an ongoing dialogue with our warehouse managers about consumption and potential savings. Each warehouse is now saving the equivalent of the annual electricity consumption of 3–4 standard households. This new approach is providing us with both financial and environmental benefits.
Retail & Wholesale cases


Brødrene A & O Johansen A/S

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for Retail & Wholesale
Read about how we’re helping your sector.

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