Kamstrup A/S
Kamstrup A/S produces intelligent measuring solutions that enable supply companies and society in general to reduce water wastage and boost energy efficiency.
Kamstrup A/S is keen to contribute to a more responsible and more sustainable supply of energy and water that aligns with growing demands for climate-friendly initiatives worldwide. To do so, they use solutions including MinEnergi2 to monitor their own properties in Denmark.
This vision is reflected, for example, in the way Kamstrup A/S is undertaking to contribute to sustainable consumption and production by using fewer resources in the manufacture of its solutions and by reducing waste.
A strong partnership: EnergiData and Kamstrup A/S are both owned by the Danish energy company OK, and their working relationship extends beyond energy management via MinEnergi2. Their partnership also involves data collection for MinEnergi2 via READy – Kamstrup A/S’ own data collection system – and the delivery of meters to a large number of EnergiData’s customers or supply companies in their customers’ area.
“Here at Kamstrup A/S, we’re committed to taking responsibility for our actions, and we’re working continuously to improve our environmental footprint. This is one of the reasons why Kamstrup uses MinEnergi2 for energy management at our own facility in Stilling near Skanderborg, Denmark. We are interested in knowing not only the energy consumption from the buildings, but also the energy consumption per unit manufactured.”
Allan Søegaard
Facility Manager
The challenge
Kamstrup A/S is working actively to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In practice, this means that the company is striving to reduce the environmental impact from its products, production processes and -facilities, thus supporting SDG No. 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), No. 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy) and No. 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).
The solution
Kamstrup A/S is committed to ensuring optimal energy efficiency in its products and everyday operations so as to keep carbon emissions to a minimum. The company is ISO 14001 certified in Denmark, Norway and Sweden so as to continue assuring energy efficiency and sustainable initiatives in its production and business.
Data from MinEnergi2 open the door to targeted input: Kamstrup A/S is working continuously to optimise the consumption of energy, resources and water in its production and administration. The company uses energy consumption data to pinpoint where the best results can be achieved and where the next target needs to be set to ensure optimal operation.
Secondary meters to contribute additional data: Data from secondary meters help provide a broader data basis in MinEnergi2, enabling Kamstrup A/S to optimise to the most energy-efficient processes and initiatives on an ongoing basis. This demands full insight into consumption – which is what additional data provide.
Employees and visitors can track consumption on infoboards: Screens have been set up in several places at the company facility in Stilling to allow employees and visitors to track energy consumption. This approach visualises energy consumption for the people who are actually using it, and involving users in the initiative encourages a change in behaviour.
Results and benefits
Kamstrup A/S’ ambitious initiatives – using data from MinEnergi2 to track and document consumption, for example – have helped the company achieve the following results:
Reduction in own electricity consumption, kWh per product manufactured: 8% from 2019 to 2022
Reduction in own heating consumption, kWh per product manufactured: 19% from 2019 to 2022
The production department uses water for air humidifiers and flow cabinets, and the canteen and sanitary installations likewise account for a large proportion of water consumption.
Reduction in own water consumption, m3 per product manufactured: 6% from 2020 to 2022
Customer profile
Industry & Production
EMS solution
MinEnergi2, Standard subscription
Customer since
Property usage
Production facilities and administration offices
Number of buildings
Building stock: 8 buildings
Number of meters
256 remotely read
A member of the OK Group
EnergiData is a sister company of Kamstrup A/S
Working relationship
EnergiData and Kamstrup A/S work together on six different areas